Frames of Reference

Two film nerds discuss theory behind classic, arthouse, and independent cinema, and try to be a little less pretentious than that sounds. Each episode will establish a common thread between three films and engage in discussion about them.

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7. Cuarón (Y tu mamá también, Children of Men, Roma)


Films: Y tu mamá también (2001, d. Alfonso Cuarón), Children of Men (2006, d. Alfonso Cuarón), Roma (2018, d. Alfonso Cuarón)

Films: Y tu mamá también (2001, d. Alfonso Cuarón) US Blu-ray: Children of Men (2006, d. Alfonso Cuarón) US Blu-Ray: UK Blu-ray: (Superior transfer but region locked): Roma (2018, d. Alfonso Cuarón) US Blu-ray: Two friends discuss the theory behind classic, arthouse, and independent cinema, and go on a journey together to learn about under-appreciated works. Each episode will establish a common thread between three films and engage in discussion about them. This podcast is produced by Brave Voice Films. You can reach out to us at Tweet us: @podcastfor Our episodes will run bi-weekly. Please email us your suggestions!

Filetype: M4A - Size: 50 MB - Duration: 1:45:12m (628 kbps 32000 Hz)

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