Frames of Reference

Two film nerds discuss theory behind classic, arthouse, and independent cinema, and try to be a little less pretentious than that sounds. Each episode will establish a common thread between three films and engage in discussion about them.

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3: Gerwigmania (Frances Ha, Lady Bird, Barbie)


Films: Frances Ha (2012, d. Noah Baumbach), Lady Bird (2017, d. Greta Gerwig), Barbie (2023, d. Greta Gerwig)

Films: Frances Ha (2012, d. Noah Baumbach), Lady Bird (2017, d. Greta Gerwig), Barbie (2023, d. Greta Gerwig) Two film nerds discuss theory behind classic, arthouse, and independent cinema, and try to be a little less pretentious than that sounds. Each episode will establish a common thread between three films and engage in discussion about them. This podcast is produced by Brave Voice Films. You can reach out to us at Tweet us: @podcastfor Our episodes will run monthly. Please email us your suggestions!

Filetype: M4A - Size: 50 MB - Duration: 1:54:08m (484 kbps 32000 Hz)

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